
THANK YOU for doing the right thing and properly recycling your IT equipment.

You have two choices, you may either have us pick up your items, or you may drop them off at our location.

If you are dropping off you may simply visit us during business hours at one of our two locations:

If you would like to have up pick up your items please fill out this form, and we will get back to you within one business day.  90% of the time the value of the items is enough to make a pick-up worth doing, in rare occasions we may ask for a small fee to pick up items. The more items you have the more likely your pick-up will be free, and if you have enough we may even pay you to pick it up.  Fill out the form to find out.

Simply fill out this form and we will get back to you with a pick-up time where we will pick up your computer items.


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